Translate OpenBoxes v0.9.0-hotfix1 (Grails 3.3.16) localization

I have been tasked to implement software solution to keep track of our medical supplies at our ambulance service station. So I went searching online and found OpenBoxes as the most promising option.

Today I finally decided to give it a try. I followed the exact instructions here: Overview - OpenBoxes and installed everything on my server. I decided to follow this specific guide because other Ubuntu installation guides required Java 7 and Tomcat 7 as dependencies which are now outdated and I couldn´t find them anywhere. Not even in mentioned Azul repos (Java 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 Download for Linux, Windows and macOS). This specific installation guide I followed required Java 8 that I was able to get succesfully from Azul repos. Then I ran into issue where a link to openboxes WAR file was broken which I solved thanks to this thread: Installation - Download OpenBoxes (Grails 3) WAR. Now everything works fine. I can access the Web GUI without problems.

Only problem I have is that the app localization is in English. Well technically my older colleagues would have problem with it, not me. So I went searching on forums how can I change the localization from English to my native language which is Czech. I found people in threads mentioning translating the file. Is it possible to export the original file from my current OpenBoxes version and translate it to Czech language via 3rd party service like ChatGPT or Google Translate and then import it back ? I was able to find the files on GitHub from previous versions but not from this one ( When I try to export localization from the OpenBoxes Web GUI it just exports a blank file with nothing to edit. I could use some help here because I’m getting a bit lost in this.

Thank you

Hey Richie

Thank you for your post and question.

So I went searching on forums how can I change the localization from English to my native language which is Czech. I found people in threads mentioning translating the file.

I would recommend searching the forum for “CrowdIn”. I’ve just added Czech to our supported languages on CrowdIn, so you should be able to add your own translations

Here’s not-so-quick introduction to our Crowdin integration.

Once you set up an account and start translating, we can discuss next steps.


Hi Justin

Thank you for your reply and video guide. I knew about this CrowdIn solution before; I found it when I was exploring the web UI. However, it didn’t have the Czech language option when I first checked it. Since you’ve added Czech to the supported languages, I can now start translating the English localization.


I’ve signed up into CrowdIn. Now waiting for approval.

You have been approved.