Difference between Stock Movements and Shipments

Hi there,

In Inbound menu we have Create Inbound Stock Movement and also Create inbound shipment. In Outbound menu we have Create Outbound Stock Movement and also Create outbound shipment.

What’s the difference between Stock Movements and Shipments, for both Inbound and Outbound processes?


-Eduardo Alvarez

Hey Eduardo

These are different variations of a similar feature (i.e. stock transfers via shipment). In fact, the Stock Movement is essentially a new implementation of two existing features (Requisitions, Shipments). I’ve left the older Shipment workflow in place because I felt like it might be more useful or familiar to existing users. However, if it causes confusion or harm, you can simply hide the feature using the following configuration properties. The same goes for the old Receiving and Requisition menu items.

If you’d like to hide those three features, you can add the following to your openboxes-config.groovy and restart your server.

openboxes.megamenu.dashboard.enabled = true
openboxes.megamenu.analytics.enabled = true
openboxes.megamenu.inventory.enabled = true
openboxes.megamenu.orders.enabled = true
openboxes.megamenu.requisitions.enabled = false
openboxes.megamenu.shipping.enabled = false
openboxes.megamenu.stockMovement.enabled = true
openboxes.megamenu.receiving.enabled = false
openboxes.megamenu.reporting.enabled = true
openboxes.megamenu.products.enabled = true
openboxes.megamenu.configuration.enabled = true
openboxes.megamenu.customLinks.enabled = true
openboxes.megamenu.inbound.enabled = true
openboxes.megamenu.outbound.enabled = true

NOTE: You’ll notice that the file extension for this file is .groovy (not .properties). This is a new file that should sit next to openboxes-config.properties. The reason we need a new config file is because the .properties files does not handle boolean (true/false) values properly.