Centos platform

Best friends,

I was reading about Openboxes and the serveral platforms it runs on.
Does it run on Centos instead of Ubuntu? If yes has someone an installation documentation for Centos?


Hey David

Yes, it should definitely work with Centos. However, I have no experience installing OpenBoxes on Centros. If you encounter any issues, just post them back here and weā€™ll try to help you out.


Hello all,

Iā€™m online! haha. Centos is running with Tomcat, works perfect! However I donā€™t get Openboxes to work. I tested several other .war files they work.

I tried to undeploy it several times, deleted also the database, no successā€¦
I have uploaded the catalina.out.

Can anyone help me? Maybe Iā€™m missing something?

catalina.docx (74.0 KB)

Youā€™re really close to getting it working. Thereā€™s an error occurring while creating one of the views and I think that is preventing the server from starting.

Caused By: View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause

Iā€™m not going to be in front of my computer again until December 27 at the earliest. But Iā€™ll try to investigate as soon as I can.

Do you know what version of MySQL is installed?

We officially support MySQL 5.7 but not earlier. And MySQL 8 should work but there are some issues weā€™ve identified with it.



Take your time. Merry Christmas!
Anyway, seems the server is running Mariadb 5.5.68, so Iā€™m gonna upgrade :slight_smile:

So before crashing my production server I installed MariaDB 10.4 on an other server.
I tested all external connections if they worked.

Then I went out installing Openboxes again on the production server and I first edited the properties file in the grail map to match the username/password and changed localhost to my server address. Then it gets stuck somewhere. I tryed to figure out in de catalina file whats wrong but I donā€™t see any errors. See attached file.

My wish is to run the database separate from the production server. So now Iā€™m stuck with this error :).

catalina.docx (25.2 KB)

MySQL (and I assume MariaDB) does not allow external connections by default. So ensure you have configured the database to listen for external connections.

@David_Douma Iā€™m just getting a chance to view your catalina.out file from my computer and noticed that while the beginning of the stacktrace is usually an indication of a failed database connection, the file doesnā€™t include the full stacktrace. Can you upload the full catalina.out file? Or send it via email to support@openboxes.com?

Hello Hello,

I Figured that out, seemed to work now (the install) however to an external database the install was already taking over a hourā€¦ any idea how to speed this up?

Otherwise Iā€™m gonna update my MariaDB to version 10.1 this should work.

Stupid question, do you recommend Grails 3 or? Because you also provide a installation manual for v3 with java 8 instead of java 7

however to an external database the install was already taking over a hourā€¦ any idea how to speed this up?

That seems like a normal amount of time regardless of whether the app is internal / external. You do need to make sure youā€™ve provided Tomcat enough memory (at least 1-2 GB for heap space and 128-256kb of permgen) to avoid sluggishness / out of memory errors during this process.

Stupid question, do you recommend Grails 3 or? Because you also provide a installation manual for v3 with java 8 instead of java 7

Thatā€™s a version that represents an in-progress / stalled upgrade. The application ā€œworksā€ but there are a lot of regressions / bugs due to the migration that need to be fixed. I would not recommend using it.

Thnx for reply.

Installing again. Has enough memory (4GB) for tomcat.

But install seems slow because:

2021-12-30 14:36:00,519 [DefaultPluginScheduler_Worker-3] INFO jobs.AssignIdentifierJob - Postponing job execution until liquibase migrations are complete
2021-12-30 14:37:00,518 [DefaultPluginScheduler_Worker-4] INFO jobs.AssignIdentifierJob - Postponing job execution until liquibase migrations are complete
2021-12-30 14:38:00,518 [DefaultPluginScheduler_Worker-5] INFO jobs.AssignIdentifierJob - Postponing job execution until liquibase migrations are complete
2021-12-30 14:39:00,518 [DefaultPluginScheduler_Worker-6] INFO jobs.AssignIdentifierJob - Postponing job execution until liquibase migrations are complete
2021-12-30 14:40:00,519 [DefaultPluginScheduler_Worker-7] INFO jobs.AssignIdentifierJob - Postponing job execution until liquibase migrations are complete
2021-12-30 14:40:01,036 [DefaultPluginScheduler_Worker-8] INFO jobs.DataCleaningJob - Postponing job execution until liquibase migrations are complete
2021-12-30 14:41:00,517 [DefaultPluginScheduler_Worker-9] INFO jobs.AssignIdentifierJob - Postponing job execution until liquibase migrations are complete
2021-12-30 14:42:00,518 [DefaultPluginScheduler_Worker-10] INFO jobs.AssignIdentifierJob - Postponing job execution until liquibase migrations are complete

That snippet is normal on its own. There are a lot of database migrations so it takes a really long time (sometimes an hour or more) to execute them all. If you send the entire log I can see if something is wrong.

Thanks for the quick Reply. Seems if ā€˜postponingā€™ the java/tomcat worker does also nothing so the system seems to be idling.

See attached log. System is still running the installer (about 45 mins now).
catalina.docx (55.6 KB)

Oh yeah those stacktraces in the log file donā€™t look good. Iā€™ll take a closer look when Iā€™m in front of my computer.

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I will let it run for now, hoping it will successfully end!

2021-12-30 16:37:00,552 [DefaultPluginScheduler_Worker-9] INFO jobs.AssignIdentifierJob - Postponing job execution until liquibase migrations are complete
2021-12-30 16:37:53,500 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO liquibase - Changeset 0.5.x/rename-request-to-requisition.xml::1295640983194-12::PZ DM::(MD5Sum: 1af7b6e73daf1c127c5e4bb9ab1fcfb2)

Thereā€™s no need to keep it running if itā€™s stuck on one of those early 0.5.x changesets. It should be completing changesets at a clip of one every few seconds or minutes.

So, back again. I have update to MariaDB 10.6 on the production server. Now the database is running local again and itā€™s flying! Installing, so with a bit of luck it works this time :slight_smile: (no errors so far)

I was going to recommend creating the database locally and then copying it over to production.

However I still need to look at the log file because it seems you have another issue going on that is preventing the app from connecting to that database. Or perhaps itā€™s a thread issue?

For now no errors, itā€™s still running. Database is created. (if I look into it with phpmyadmin).

Java is firing up the CPU cores right now :wink: